Sunday, July 3, 2011

Bush Tits

Flipping, gripping,




By branch.


  1. Brian, interesting poem! I had to look up Bushtits to find out what they eat. So they strip each branch of tiny insects and spiders -- freedom for the foliage, life for the bird, nature's perfect symbiosis! Love the rhythm and feel of the words in your poem. Fed my soul today. Thank you!

  2. Thanks to Cindy's comments, I see how this fits with a 'freedom' theme for the month. :)

  3. Your poem is very compact, but it uses the words to say what it needs to say. Nice one Brian. I'm glad Cindee explained Bushtits. I was a little afraid to google them because...well......that second word means something very different in Austalia.

  4. Yes Colling that term is used here too and sadly it's known more for the derogatory usage than the origional usage for this amazing bird family which is mostly in Great Britain. If your going to look up the Tit family it might help if you put the word bird in there as well.

  5. Thanks, yes I was inspired by Haikuu form. I watched these amazing birds next to the science center at school

  6. yes the tit family will unfortunately need to be looked up on line with the word bird in there somewhere so there is no confusion. The other term is used here too Col.
