Tuesday, May 25, 2010

School is over!

Bingo! OK I'm in I keep mixing up my passwords. OK I have my presentation on my Urban fantasy writing, mainly...OK, OK wholy having to do with superheroes. Came up with another idea about reformed supervillains that of course is on the back burner along with many other dreamt up story lines. I feel like I cook at a fives star hotel I have so many things on the back burner.
But that isn't bad because when I am tired of one story line or rather when a story is finished I intend on moving on to something else.
Though I have to say I got a taste of my own medicine the other day. I have been reading a series of comic books.... OK first off I'm not a huge comic book fan but " The Mouse Guard " Is really well written. Anyway I have been following the story line and it ended with a great build up. Now the writer is going back to tell the story of a Mouse guard character I really don't care about who died. OK dude he's dead get over it already. The mouse territories is in danger within as well as without .
And that isn't even having to do with the treacherous mice that tried to over throw the mouse guard. I like doing that as a writer. Set up a good story and then go off and let the readers suffer for a while while I tell another story elsewhere. But to be a recipient.
I am so excited to be done with school. Tiime to write. Sorry I didn't write sooner but classes towards the end were crazy. Next time,

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Overworked and underpaid.

Sorry I haven't done a blog this week till now I have had so much home work I'm not sure I'll get it all done in time. I am so overwhelmed I think this is all I have to write about. Well I am trying to turn in my last creative writing story for my short story book for this semster. Apparently next semester we will be reading on Vietnam. So the stories will be about war which I had planned on doing eventually.
Alambraidria and the Champions will fall and die but I was hoping to cover this much later. However if war is what we're doing I suppose I don't have to polish and publish this till much later.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

My blog

This is me blogging when I really don't want to. I have had five hours of sleep I stayed up to revieew my new Spanish chapter till 2 am. I didn't do well in class today. However it started out as a good day. I am having to rewrite a story that I did about two years ago about a kid who was coming of age. Now I have to rewrite it. I'm pretty disappointed but I have about two peices that are do soon and the end of the semester is coming up pretty quick. I will do a reading in class tomarrow.
Yes you can recycle your old stories for class, my professor expects excellence when it comes to Science Fiction and Fantasy though. I have won him over though. He is a real Tolkien Fan so I won him over with a poem about Beren and Luthien. Then I felt comfident that once he had accepted that he would except my stuff. Heh. Give the teacher what he asks for and if you can give him what he asks for and use a little subterfuge to get your writing out there, there you go.

He wanted short stories the first about two pages, the second three and so on. He is a minimalist. So I wrote a two page prologue, the first chapter and so on. It isn't going to work and I'm having to do more blurbs from different stories as I didn't read the Syllibus close enough but it was a good effort on my part. LOL! Well till next time, Audios!