Saturday, June 12, 2010

Midas Touch?

OK I have like thirty pages written for my current story and only am about half way thorough. I got busy with life and honesty didn't write for like a week. Looking a back at my work I was horrified." What Garbage, I can't believe I wrote that pathetic junk! " OK reassessing what someone said some time ago about first drafts. They are suppose to be garbage. The main character mianders hoplessly. No one seems to know what is going on. It's like a high school band that wonders down the field not knowing where their going and since no one brought the music they all decide to wing it. Lets face it, the best you can do is escort them off the field and take away their instruments.
But that is what rewrites are for. I discovered I needed to find out what my characters want again and start really throwing obsticles at them. Well that's all for now back to writing!

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